The proposed closing of the Ability Centre and Eliburn Support Services in Livingston has been rejected by West Lothian Councillors. The proposed cuts would have been achieved by merging these two centres into Pathways in Livingston.
Damian Timson, Leader of the Conservative Group on West Lothian Council stated:
"The West Lothian Council Conservative Group are pleased to see that the minority Labour Group have listened to the responses in the Transforming Your Council Consultation. In particular, we are delighted that the following cuts to services have now been avoided: Ability centres, Local Bus subsidies and instrumental music lessons. These three areas were unacceptable to the Conservative Group and no budget would have passed with our approval had these cuts been included.
"All parties on West Lothian accepted that these cuts were being forced onto Councils by the reduction in funding from the SNP Scottish Government.
"The Conservative Group will continue to ensure that the impact to the residents of West Lothian is kept to a minimum despite the loss of £65.3 million over the next five years to West Lothian Council from the Scottish Government."